Warren County, New York
Genealogy and History

Family History

Family Related Research

When most of us do genealogy research, our topic is usually our particular family rather than a region. This section was created to facilitate the exchange of family specific resources that may be helpful or interesting to everyone in the community researching ancestors from Warren County.

Elaine Cope was gracious enough to make the first contribution, a collection of notes kept by her Great Grandfather Charles Wilbur Cowles. Charles Wilbur Cowles kept a daily diary of sorts. Some days he just posted the weather, or what he & the family did that day. Other entries mention family & neighbors, people who have died, etc, etc. The notes have not been transcribed, but some of these pages are available as images, allowing us to read them as they were originally written.

The Notes of Charles Wilbur Cowles

1895 Warrenty Deed A deed between Collins Hammond to Charles Cole dated January 9th, 1895. The 50 acres were later sold to M.J. McCarthy on December 5, 1905 for the sum of $85.
Birth & Death Records, Page 1
Birth & Death Records, Page 2
A record of deaths that occurred between Aug, 1906 and Aug, 1910.
Family Register, Page 1
Family Register, Page 2
Family Register, Page 3
Family Register, Page 4
A record of births, marriages and deaths in the Cowles family.
Camp Meeting Aug 1890 A flier announcing that the Seventh Day Adventists will hold a Camp Meeting on Patrick McCarthy's lot, Schroon Lake Village, August 21 to 31, 1890.
Forest Ranger List 1912 A listing of forest rangers and mountain station observers in the region in 1912.
Diary: March, 1906, Page 1
Diary: March, 1906, Page 2
Diary: June, 1906
Notes include the weather, visitors and chores.
Broom Supply Order, May 1905 A copy of a letter from May 8, 1905 detailing the prices of brooms produced by Wilber Cowles.
Elmer Perry and Forrest Montgomery Work arrangements from Elmer Perry and Forrest Montgomery. Cites work and proice to be paid.
Jury, 1915 A summons to jury duty in 1915.
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