Edna May Pray
Mrs. Edna M. Pray
Whose Death Occurred at Her Home on Saturday.
The death of Mrs. Edna M. Pray removes one who will be greatly missed, not only by a loving family but also by an almost countless number of friends.
Born in Hampton February 15, 1849, she remained there and in this town, uniting with the M.E. church when a young lady. On February 17, 1870 she became the wife of George F. Pray, who preceded her to his long rest seven years ago. For 27 years she lived in the home where she died, surrounded by the luxuries of life, which she enjoyed up to a short time ago when sickness came upon her. A fortnight ago she went to the hospital at Albany, but disease had become so firmly imbedded that nothing could be done for her. She returned here and the end came on Saturday.
Mrs. Pray was a member of the Woman's Relief Corps. And was very active in the good work of this organization. She was the mother of four children, all of whom are living: Flora (Mrs. W. E. Ochampaugh) of Cambridge, N.Y.; Lena, Ralph E. and Edward, who live in this town.
The funeral was held from the house on Monday afternoon, Revs. C. T. Lewis and I. E. Usher officiating. The bearers were: J. W. Ripley, T. C. Reed, R. S. Newman, E. C. Ripley, C. C. Graves and G. W. Ward.
The flora offerings were beautiful, among them being a piece from the Corps. and one from the Ripley Lumber Co. employees. Burial was made in Poultney cemetery.
Source newspaper name unknown - November 16, 1913 (2/15/1849 - 11/15/1913)
Card of Thanks
We desire to thank our many friends and neighbors for the many expressions of sympathy extended during our recent bereavement, the death of our loving mother.
Mrs. W. E. Ochampaugh
Lena M. Pray
Ralph E. Pray
Edward O. Pray
Contributed by Elaine Cope.