Home / Obituaries / Isadore "Sally" Ebner
Isadore "Sally" Ebner
QUEENSBURY - Isadore "Sally" Ebner, 66, a resident of the Hallmark Nursing Home, died Monday (April 9, 1984) after a short illness.
She was a native and resident of Hornell until she moved to the Nursing Home about eight years ago.
Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Bonita Nims of Glens Falls; a brother, Eugene Bailey of Hornell; three sisters, Ethel O'Geen of Batavia, Mrs. Jacqueline Smith of Rochester and Rachel Powers of Argyle; 3 grandchildren; nieces and nephews.
Services were Wednesday.
Burial was in Pine View Cemetery, Queensbury.
Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society.
No newspaper name; date of death Apr 9, 1984