Warren County, New York
Genealogy and History

1872 Business Directory Listings

Source: "Boyd's New York State Directory. 1872. 1873. 1874.," by Andrew Boyd. Syracuse, N.Y.: Truair, Smith & Co. Printers. 1872.

Athol, Warren Co.

Is in the town of Thurman

Cameron W.J.
Gill Miles, general store
Green David A., hotel
Kenyon Lyman, farmer and timber
Pendle Reuben, general store

Caldwell, Warren Co.

At the head of Lake George, and derives its principal importance from that, while its delightful scenery attracts great numbers during the summer season.

Archibald Samuel R., boots and shoes
Bates Harvey, blacksmith
Copeland F., country store
Crandell Harvey, blacksmith
Cromwell J., physician
Crosby F. G., hotel
Eldridge Austin, hotel
Hawley Charles E., groceries
Hubbel & Seeley, lumber
Hubbell George W., groceries
Lewis S., express agent
Patrick E. L., physician
Shay G. W., blacksmith
Roessle T. & Son, Fort Wm. Henry Hotel
Weatherhead John L., Central Hotel
Wilde E., shoemaker
White E., hotel
Wood Hiram, country store
Worden Isaac, builder

Chestertown, Warren Co.

Albro Nathaniel, harness
Braley S. G., country store
Downs M. H., hotel
Faxon Charles H., tanner
Hall & Braley
Hoyt W. S., carding mill
Kittenbach H., cabinet ware
Leland W. G., country store
Magee Daniel, physician
Mallary E. A. Mrs., milliner
Mallory Alfred, physician
Mallory N. B., drugs
Mundy Wm., tanner &c.
Noxon Charles, blacksmith
Noxon Hester, milliner
Palmer Beman S., livery
Pritchard M. U., physician
Remmington D., carriages
Riddle & Drake, country store
Schofield Wm., grocer
Tripp & Lay, stoves and tin
White W. W., jeweler
Wickham Wm., wagons
Young Uri, country store

Creek Centre, Warren Co.

Is a small village in the township of Stony Creek.

Ackley L.C., country store
Bardman John P., tanner
Bowers Sanford, groceries and clothing
Carter O., blacksmith
Gill & Son, country store
Hall Horace, wheelwright
Lewis Wm. H., hotel
Martin & Clearwater, lime and cement
McDonald Melvin, country store
Millham George, carpenter
Nims C.C., hotel
Van Wagener J.J., country store
Yarrington Geo. N., speculator

French Mountain, Warren Co.

Brown Geo., hotel
Brown & Crandell, tanners and country store
Howe Clark, wagons

Glens Falls, Warren Co.

Glens Falls was incorporated April 12, 1839, is situated on the Hudson, in the so-east part of the county. It contains two news-papers offices, two banks and several manufacturies. The Elmwood Seminary, a popular institution of learning, offers advantages of the highest character to those seeking an accomplished education. The Glens Falls academy is also located here. There is a branch railroad connected with the R. &, S. R. R. at Fort Edward, 5 miles distant. The wild and rugged landscape is in striking contrast with the general air of the country below - there, quiet, pastoral lands; here, rugged rock and rushing cataract. This is a spot trebly interesting, from its natural, its poetical, and its historical character. The passage of the river is through a rude ravine, in a mad descent of 75 feet over a rocky precipice 900 feet in length. Within the roar of the cataracts were laid some of the scenes in Cooper's story of the "Last of the Mohicans."

Ahr & Brice, grocers, South Glens
Allison J. W. saloon and livery stable West n. Glen
Allison William, restaurant, West c. Glen
Amer M. W. harness and trunks, Glen
Austin J. H. painter, Cross

Barber H. D. livery stable, West n. Glen
Barber & Burnham, meat market, West
Bassinger G. H. jeweler, Glen n. Park
Benson J. B. dentist and sewing machines, Glen opp. Ridge
Bibely Geo. brewer, South
Bibely M. H. New Hall House, Glen n. Canal
Boyd S. G. stationer, Glen opp. Exchange
Brannan James, restaurant, Glen
BROOKS CYRUS, saloon, Glen n. Berry
Brown Clark J. restaurant, Glen
Brown & Sheldon, lawyers, Glen n. Bay
Brydon Mary J. Mrs. milliner, Ridge n. Warren
Bullard D. H. physician, Exchange
Bullard James, blacksmith, Pine n. Glen
Burdick Allan, planing mill, Berry n. Glen
BUSWELL M. L. guns, pistols, &c. Glen n. West

Caldwell J. C. dentist, Maple
Cameron C. R. & Co. groceries, dry goods and shoes, Glen n. Canal
Carpenter Stephen, tanner and ourrier, Lime
Champlin George, hides, leather and wool, Glen
Chapin F. L. R. physiolass, Glen opp. Warren
Cheney Geo. W. justice of the peace, Warren c. Glen
Cheritree Andrew lawyer, Glen n. Exchange
Coffins & Lasher. Opera House, Warren n. Glen
Cohen R. clothing and furnishing goods, Ridge n. Warren
COLE NORMAN, book and job printer, Warren c. Ridge
Coleman James, groceries and liquors, Glen
Colvin H. furniture, Glen opp. Exchange
Comstock R. B. billiard saloon, Glen opp. Exchange
Conery & Hicks, brewers, also saloon, Glen opp. Exchange
Conkey George W. photographer, Warren
COOLIDGE T. S. agent for the Lime Companies, Glen opp. Ridge
Coolidge, Lee & Co. dry goods, groceries, &c. Glen c. Exchange
Corey P. H. millinery, Warren n. Glen
Cowles D. H. & Co. dry goods, &c. Warren c. Ridge
Crittenden & Cowles, stationery and fancy goods, Glen n. Ridge
Cronkhite William & Son, general merchants, Warren n. Glen
Crow & Murphy, meat market, Ridge n. Warren

DAVIS ISAAC J. lawyer and notary public, Glen c. Ridge
DeLong & Sons, hardware, &c. Glen opp. Ridge
DIX & KNOX, foundry, &c. machine shop, Glen
Dodge J. L. boots and shoes, Warren
Dowd John, grocer, Canal
Drake E. P. shoemaker, Glen

ELMWOOD SEMINARY, Miss A. Taylor and Prof. W. J. Holding, Elm c. Park.
Everest C. F. & Co. billiard saloon, Glen n. Ridge

Faxon W. A. & Chas. H. Insurance agents, Glen n. Bay
Ferguson James, physician, Warren
Ferguson J. F. Mrs. confectionery, Glen a. Warren
Ferguson George, dry goods, &c. Glen c. West
Finch, Pruyne & Co. saw mill and lumber, Feeder Dam
FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GLEN'S FALLS, cap. $136,400. A Sherman, pres't.; E. T. Johnson, cashier, Glen
Fowler Bros. dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, Glen c. Exchange
Franklin Benj. jeweler, Warren n. Glen
Freligh & Co. dry goods, Glen opp. Ridge
French Simeon, restaurant, Glen

Garrett James S. dentist and sewing machines, Bank Building, Glen
Gilchrist C. M. agent for Gas Co. Warren c. Ridge
GLEN'S FALLS MESSENGER, published every Friday at $1.50 per annum. Republican in politics. Largest circulation in the county. Norman Cole, editor and prop. Warren c. Ridge
GLEN'S FALLS REPUBLICAN, published every Tuesday at $1.50 per annum. H. M. Harris, editor and prop. Glen opp. Ridge
Glens Falls Co. lime, lumber, marble and grain, Glen n. Canal
Glens Falls Lime Co. lime manufs. Warren
Glens Falls Insurance Co. Glen n. Bay
Glens Falls National Bank, Glen
Glens Falls Paper Co. South Glens Falls
Glens Falls Transportation Co. Canal
Goodman Heman, marble yard, Exchange n. Glen
Goodwin & Brown, baggage express, Depot
Gourley A. & Co. meat, vegetables, &c. Glen
Gray & Minor, carriage builders, West c. Elm
Green Ira, saloon, Glen opp. Exchange

Harris Emery D. lawyer, Glen c. Ridge
HARRIS H. M. book and job printer, Glen opp. Ridge
Havilands & Ferris, druggists, Glen opp. Ridge
Hawley G. G. &G. K. dry goods, &c. Glen opp. Ridge
Hebert Joseph, tailor, Glen opp. Exchange
Hicks W. W. boots and shoes, Ridge n. Warren
Holeman & Pike, masons, builders and roofers, Glen
Holly & Wing, dry goods and groceries, Warren
HOPKINS & PECK, druggists, Glen opp. Ridge
Hotchkiss William, justice of the peace, Warren c. Ridge
Howard H. A. lawyer, Glen n. Park
Hurd E. physician, West
Hurley James, grocer, Glen n. Canal

Irish George S. photographer, Glen n. Exchange

Jackman S. P. painter, Washington
Jeffers & Leavens, hardware, &c. Glen n. Exchange
Jenkins Daniel M. Central House, Glen opp. Exchange
Jenkins M. A. dress maker, Glen opp. Exchange
Jointa Lime Co. lime manuf. Canal
Joubert & White, carriage builders, Warren
Juvet L. P. jeweler, Glen

Keeffe John, tobacconist, Glen
Keeffe & Amer, Cosgrove Opera House, Glen
Kellogg J. W. Mrs. physician, South
Kennedy James, Commercial Hotel and sewing machine agent, Warren
Kenney J. saloon, Maple n. Depot
Kenworthy John L. hardware, &c. Warren n. Ridge
Kenyon C. V. groceries and shoes, South Glen's Falls
Ketchum D. B. insurance agent, Glen opp. Warren
King James, saloon, Glen a. Park
Klein M. merchant tailor. Warren n. Ridge
Knight E. W. painter, Ridge
Krum & White, carpenters, Warren

Landers Michael, harness, West n. Glen
Landon J. L. harness, Warren n. Ridge
Lapham B. Frank, pump manuf. Ridge n. Glen
Lapham & Co. flour mill, South Glen's Falls
La Point C. C. barber, Glen opp. Exchange
La Point P. E. groceries, Glen n. Canal
Leavens J. R. & Co. livery stable, Ridge n. Warren
Lee Napoleon L. saloon, Glen
Leggett & Bush, druggists, Glen opp. Exchange
Linehan Daniel, saloon, Glen n. River
Little Meredith B. insurance agent, Glen
Loop George T. barber, Glen n. Warren

MALLERY & WINSLOW, candy manfacturers and restaurant, Ridge n. Warren
McCarty J. blacksmith, Glen
McGreavey F. saloon, Glen c. Park
Mead J. & G. T. blacksmiths, Bay n. Glen
Mead & Warren, dress makers, Bay c. Glen
Meade P. J. dry goods, boots and shoes, Glen opp. Exchange
Morgan C. postmaster, Warren
Morgan James & Co. saw mills and lumber, South Glen's Falls
Morgan Lime Co. office Glen c. Exchange
Mosher Augustus, barber, Glen n. Ridge
Mott Anna Miss, milliner, Ridge n. Warren
Mott Isaac, lawyer, Maple
Murphy Daniel, saloon. Glen c. Berry

NELSON J. Nelson House, Bay
Norcross & Kenney, carpenters, Ridge
Norris D. G. & Co. carriage builders, Warren
Norton & Gilchrist, lumber and grain, Glen opp. Pine

Ogden A. W. blacksmith, Glen n. Canal
O'Leary Daniel, saloon, Glen n. Warren
Oliver A. shoemaker, West
Oliver Alva, shoemaker, West n. Glen
Orr Alex. jr. photographer, Ridge n. Warren

Pardo George, American Rouse, Glen c.
Parks Daniel, blacksmith, Main, South Glen's Falls
Peck Daniel, county treasurer, Glen c. Ridge
Peck D. E. tailor and hatter, Glen opp. Exchange
Peck, De Long & Co. grocers, Glen c. Ridge
Peck M. R. physician, Glen opp. Exchange
Perry Lewis, prop. Mansion House, West n. Glen
Potter Thomas, insurance agent, Warren n. Glen
Potter & Ides, shoes, Glen opp. Exchange
Putnam E. Glen's Falls, Lake George and Chester Stage Co. Glen opp. Ridge

Quinlan John H. flour and feed, Glen

Rensellaer & Knapp, wagon makers, Bay n. Glen
Reynolds & Dix, granite yard, near River
Roberts D. G. flour, lumber, &c. Ridge n. Glen
Rockwell Wm. W., U. S. collector and shoe dealer. Glen c. Exchange
Rockwell Bros. Rockwell's Hotel Glen opp. W Warren
Rothschild & Wartenberg, dry goods, Warren
Rugg, Sherman & Co. lumber, office Glen n. Bay
Russell H. dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, Glen n. West

Sault John, prop. Canadian Hotel, Pine
Sherman A. lumber dealer, office Glen n. Bay
Sherman & Lapham, lumber, Glen
Sherman Lime Co. office Glen n. Bay
Sherman & Johnson, bankers, Glen opp. Warren
Sherman & Norcross, sash and blinds, Warren
Shields Lewis, livery stable, Exchange n. Glen
Smith John, blacksmith, South Glen's Falls
Smith D. P. clothing, Glen
Snedeker V. Mrs. dress maker, Glen n. Bay
Spicer H. blacksmith, Exchange n. Glen
Starbuck B. C. livery stable, Park n. Glen
Steinberg D. L. Steinberg Hotel, Cherry
Stephens James, Union Hotel, South Glen's Falls
Stevens J. D. architect, Centre
Steiner & Burnham, soda water manufs. Glen
Stodard S. R. artist, Elm
Stone Sidney I. insurance agent, Warren n. Ridge
Streeter B. G. physician, Maple
Suderley F. J. confectioner, Glen n. Bay
Surprenant Annie Miss, dress maker, Glen
Swain George A. lumber, lime, grain, shingles, &c. Glen n. Pine

TAYLOR & HOLDING, props. Elmwood Seminary, Elm c. Park.
Tearse P. W. harness maker, South Glen's Falls
Thompson D. W. Mrs. milliner and dress maker, Glen n. Exchange

Van Cott W. H. tobacconist, Glen c. Ridge
Van Deusen & Freeman, lumber, Feeder Dam
Vermillea Albert, meat market, Warren n. Glen

Weed & Thomson, lumber office, Glen n. Bay
White A. Son, clothing, &c. Glen
White & Pearsall, tailors, Glen c. Warren
Wilmarth Luther W. cabinet maker, Ridge n. Warren
Wilson F. C. grocer, Warren n. Ridge
Wing & Barker, general merchants, South Glen's Falls

Hague, Warren Co.

Burgess Lewis, country store
Harrison H.H., grist mill

Horicon, Warren Co.

Barton J.N., country store, grist mill and lumber
Barton & Rand, grist milland country store
Brace Harmon, lumber
Burge Orin, country store
Emerson Wallace, blacksmith and wagons
Harvey, Emerson & Co., tannery and lumber
Middleton Wm. J., hotel
Newbury Thos. S., country store
O'Hara P., grocer

Johnsburg, Warren Co.

Armstrong John W., clothing
Cobb Stephen P., harness
Davison R. Miss, milliner
Eldridge Wm. B., groceries and liquors
Griffin Myron, hotel
Holland John C., grocer and shoemaker
Humphrey's Friend Sons, tannery
Kendall & Eldridge, staging
Lackey W., country store
McLaffin ___, hotel
McLaughlin B., hotel
Martin Henry, physician
Martine Godfrey R., physician
Moston P., carriage and wagon maker
Noble David, country store
Phillips & Wells, country store
Robb L.M., country store
Stockton & Wilbur, blacksmiths
Thomas Barclay, country store
Thomson E., blacksmith and country store
Waddle James M., tavern
Waddle Robert and Wm., country store

Lake George, Warren Co.

Copeland Franklin, grocer
Gale Edward, hotel
Roessle T. & Son, Fort William Henry Hotel

Luzerne, Warren Co.

Burnham & McMaster, millers
Burnham & Son, country store and grist mill
Burnison John B., physician
Butler B.C., hotel
Dayton E., country store
Dean Alexander, country store
Dean Orson, lumber
Dubois & Pulver, country store
Garnar Thos., book binders' materials, office 108 William street, N.Y. City
Garner C.M., agent
Hudson River Pulp Co.
Ives W.H., blacksmith
Laurence James H., groceries and billiards
McEwen C.R. Mrs., milliner
Mastin J.J., harness
Miller Geo. Y., drugs
Porteous J.G., physician
Rockwell Geo. T. & Son, hotel
St. John W.H., wagon maker
Satterlee A., photographer
Scovil P.C., shoemaker
Stilwell T.C., stover and tin
Wilcox J.P., boarding house

North Creek, Warren Co.

Fuller & Hall, country store
McCarthy Thomas, country store
Rogers David W., saloon
Sawyer Milton, tannery
Strait John, country store
Wilson, Rogers & Co., grocers

North River, Warren Co.

Bennett G. S., lumber
Eldridge D., tavern
Griffen Myron, hotel
Griffin, Geo. country store
Hudson Mary Ann Miss, milliner
Kenwall James, country store
McCarthy Thomas, country store
Roblee Lyman M., blacksmith and country store
Wakeley Wm., lumber

Queensbury, Warren Co.

Brown, Geo, tannery and hotel
Clements G., country store
Curtis O. & C., manufs.
Howe C., blacksmith
Jenkins G., saw mill
Prosser Nelson, blacksmith
Romaine John F., lumber

Stony Creek, Warren Co.

Akley D. C., merchant
Aldrich A. J., country store
Bowman John P., tanner
Bowars Sanford, merchant
Brooks Henry, saw mill
Cameron John H. jr., country store
Cameron Wm., saw mill
Cribner A., lumber
Cudney Darius, boots and shoes
Darling J. P., carpenter
Deen Orren, saw mill
Fuller Joseph E., saw mill
Gill Daniel, livery
Hall C. H., saw mill
Hall Harvey, wagon maker
Hall J. B., hotel
Harris Sears, fruit merchant
McDonald Alexander, saw mill
McDonald James, hotel
Nimes C. H., livery
Odell J. W., physician
Perkins E. H., carpenter
Perkins Wm. J., blacksmith
Rhodes Richard, blacksmith
Sage Orange, flour mill
Sherman Augustus, lumber, &c.
Smith Charles, saw mill
Swears A., wagon maker
Swears H., blacksmith
Wickings George, carpenter

The Glen, Warren Co.

Fuller R.P., country store

Thurman, Warren Co.

Cameron Wm. J., hotel
Elwell John, blacksmith

Warrensburg, Warren Co.

Three miles from Griffins, a station on the Adirondack R. R.

Aldrich Daniel, grocer
Burdick Abiel, carding, &c.
Burshans Benj. P. & Son, leather
Chapman Henry, hotel
Crandall Josiah & Son, country store and grain
Dickinson M. N., stoves &c.
Eldridge A., hotel
Eldridge Sarah Miss, millinery
Emerson James, country store
Farlin F. A., country store
Fuller James & Son, country store and lumber
Griffin Stephen, lumber, &c.
Hackaday John, harness
Hammond Oscar, drugs and liquors
Harvey, Emerson & Co., tannery and lumber
Hazleton Norman, miller
Herrick Halsey, blinds, sashes and doors
Howard D. B., physician
Howard E. W., physician
Hoyt Thaddeus G., hotel
Hunt John G., hardward
Jarvis Robert, dry goods
Johnson S. W., country store
Johnson & Pendell, country store
Lewis G. T., planing mill
Lewis & Trumbull, brush backs
McNutt Hiram, physician
Mixter John, blacksmith
Osborn Charles W., country store
Pasco A. T., harness
Potter Warren, livery stable
Reoux Wm., wagons
Ryan Patrick, boots and shoes
Sawyer Milton, tanner
Stacy L. H. Miss, millinery
Stoker & Goss, clothes pins
Thomas A. H. & Co., grocers and clothing
Watson G. P., country store
White H. L., furniture
Wills John W., blacksmith and wagons
Woodward A. J. & Co., country store
Worden Isaac L., shoemaker

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