1871 Directory of Queensbury & Glens Falls
Source: Gazetteer and business directory of Saratoga County, N.Y. and Queensbury, Warren County. Syracuse, N.Y.:Hamilton Child. 1871
QUEENSBURY was incorporated by patent as a township, May 20, 1762, and embraced 2,300 acres. It was reorganized as a town March 1 3, 1786. Luzerne was taken off in 1792, and a part of Caldwell in 1810. A strip of territory one mile wide was taken from Luzerne and added to this town in 1802. It lies between Lake George and the Hudson River, in the south-east corner of Warren Co. The west part is occupied by the Luzerne Mountains, and the extreme north part by French Mountain, a high, rocky bluff, which rises precipitously from the surface of Lake George to the height of 2,500 or 3,000 feet above tide. The central and south parts are rolling, gradually declining towards the south. The soil is a light sandy loam in the interior, and a deep tough clay upon the river. The fall upon the Hudson at Glens Falls is about fifty feet, and affords valuable mill privileges. Below the fall is a small island, through which is a cave extending from one channel to the other. The manufacture of lumber is extensively carried on. An immense number of logs is floated down from the pine forests above, to Glens Falls, Sandy Hill and Fort Edward.
Glens Falls, (p.v.) incorporated April 12, 1839, is situated in the south part of the town, on the Hudson River. The Indian name is said to have been Kay-au-do-ros-sa. It contains nine churches, an academy, a female seminary, two banks, two newspaper offices, a large number of hotels and stores, a grist and flouring mill, several saw mills, sash and blind factories, &c., a furnace and machine shop, several other manufactories of various kinds, and about 5,000 inhabitants. The Glens Falls and Fort Edward R.R. terminates at this place. Stages leave for Lake George on the arrival of the trains, and during the summer large numbers of pleasure seekers pass over this route. The village contains many fine residences and considerable wealth. A disastrous fire, a few years ago, destroyed many public and private buildings, most of which have since been rebuilt, though the marks of the fire are still seen in a few places. Two weekly newspapers are published in the village.
THE GLENS FALLS REPUBLICAN was started in 1842 by M. & T.J. Strong, who continued its publication until 1851. After passing through several different hands it was purchased by H.H. Harris, the present publisher.
THE GLENS FALLS MESSENGER was started by A.D. Milne in 1855. It was subsequently published by Arnold & Cole. In 1862 Mr. Arnold sold out his interest and the paper has since been published by Norman Cole.
The Glens Falls Insurance Co., with a capital of $200,000, is located at this place.
A Soldier's Monument, of Dorchester freestone, has been erected by the town. It is ten feet square at the base and forty-six feet high, surmounted by the figure of an Eagle carved in stone. Upon one side of the monument is the figure of an officer, and upon the other that of a private soldier, both life size. Engraved upon the sides are the names of those who fell in battle or died from wounds and disease while in the service. The rough block of stone from which the eagle was cut contained seventy-five cubic feet and weighed more than 11,800 pounds. The figure is represented with wings partly extended, and measures from shoulder to shoulder, five feet. This work was executed by R.T. Baxter, of Glens Falls, and is highly creditable to his skill as a workman and to the liberality of the town.
The Fair Grounds of the Warren Co. Agricultural Society are located a short distance from Glens Falls, and embrace twenty-eight acres inclosed by a substantial board fence. The grounds are owned by a stock company and are controlled by seven directors. The cost of the grounds and improvements was about $13,000.
The Gang Saw Mill of Col. Zenas Van Dusen is located on the Hudson, a short distance above Glens Falls. About 100 men are employed, running 156 saws and cutting about 10,000,000 feet of lumber annually.
Among the first settlers were Abraham Wing, Reed Ferris, Asaph and Benajah Putnam, Jeffrey Cooper, Ichabod Merritt and Caleb Dowell. Immediately after the war, Benjamin Wing, Nehemiah Seelice, Phineas Babcock, William Roland, David Bennett, James Houghson, Silas Brown and Jeremiah Briggs settled in the town. The first house of worship was erected by the Society of Friends in 1786.
The record of this town during the Revolution reflects great credit upon the earnest patriotism of the inhabitants. A meeting was called by the citizens of Glens Falls, on the 18th of April, 1861, at which patriotic resolutions were adopted, of which the following is a specimen:
"Resolved, That the village of Glens Falls will not be behind any of her sister villages in contributing the men and the means necessary to defend the Government, and to maintain the permanency of our beloved institutions, and that as our fathers who established the Union pledged 'their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honors' to gain our independence, so will we pledge all we possess to cherish and protect the work of the illustrious men of the past, and to transmit unimpaired to our descendants the noble institutions given to us.
"Resolved, That to the end, we are for maintaining this Union undivided, and that whatever may be the consequences, sacrifice of property or life itself, everything but loss of honor, we will stand by the stars and stripes until the last faint echo in the expiring gale shall waft our dying prayer heavenward, in behalf of our country, our institutions and humanity."
A recruiting office was opened the next Saturday, by Dr. A.W. Holden, and during the following week Capt. George Clendon, Jr., was authorized to raise another company. These two companies were soon filled and were incorporated into the Twenty-second Regiment N.Y. Volunteers. While the recruiting of these companies was going on, a relief fund was raised by the voluntary subscription in the town of Queensbury alone, amounting to $11,243, for the aid and support of the families of such members of these companies as were needy or destitute. Another fund was raised to defray the expense of subsistence during the progress of enlistment. The total amount of collections and disbursements from this source, to June 1863, when these companies were mustered out, was $3,260.47, which was apportioned among twenty-nine families.
The area of the town is 37,963 acres.
Queensbury, Warren Co.
(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.)
Abbott, A.B. Prof. (Glens Falls) Principal Glens Falls Academy, Warren
Albany Peat Bed Co. (Glens Falls) 400 acres
Allen, Edwin (Glens Falls) farmer 70
Allison, J.W. (Glens Falls) prop. Mansion House, West
Allison, William (Glens Falls) prop. of Omaha Restaurant, opposite American Hotel
Alston, George (Queensbury) farmer 2
Alston, John (Glens Falls) farmer 88
Amer, E.E. (Glens Falls) bill poster and distributor, Opera House, Glen
Amer, M.W. (Glens Falls) (Keefe & Amer) harness, trunks, &c., under Cosgrove Opera House, Glen
Anderson, Courtany S. (Queensbury) farmer 72
Armstrong, A. Jr. (Glens Falls) (Armstrong & Keeffe) school commissioner
Armstrong & Keeffe (Glens Falls) (E. Armstrong Jr. and D.F. Keeffe) attorneys and counselors, life and fire insurance agents and publishers of the Phoenix, office in Cosgrove Opera House Building, Glen
Arnold, E.W. (Glens Falls) (M.W. Arnold & Son)
Arnold, M.W. & Son (Glens Falls) (E.W.) props. of steam saw mill, located on Lake George
Auckland, Charles (Glens Falls) farmer 60
Austin, Charles (Glens Falls) lot 38, milk dairyman and farmer 120
Austin, F. (Queensbury) farmer
Austin, Frank 2d (Glens Falls) farmer 15
Austin, John D. (Queensbury) lot 27, farmer 40
Austin, P.G. (Glens Falls) farmer 110
Bailey, Noah (Sandy Hill, Washington Co.) laborer and farmer 1 1/2
Baker, Almon J. (Glens Falls) farmer 170
Baker, Howgil (Glens Falls) lot 39, farmer 48
Baker, Lewis (Glens Falls) farmer 206
Baker R. (Glens Falls) boatman and farmer
Baldwin, O. (Glens Falls) farmer 45
Ball, George (Glens Falls) farmer 200
Banian, William (Glens Falls) saloon, Maple
Barber, Benjamin (Glens Falls) farmer 100
Barber, Daniel (Glens Falls) meat market, West
Barber, G.T. (Glens Falls) foreman of saw mill
Barber, H.D. (Glens Falls) livery and exchange stables, West, opposite Mansion House
Barber, Hiram (Glens Falls) farmer 10
Bardin, Almon G. (Glens Falls) farmer
Bardin, Lyman A. (Glens Falls) lot 5, farmer 67
Barker, Henry (Sandy Hill, Washington Co.) lot 4, farmer
Barnes, L.B. (Glens Falls) U.S. guager, 16th dist., Warren
Barrett, Isaac S. (Glens Falls) carpenter and millwright
Bassinger, G.H. (Glens Falls) watch maker and jeweler, Glen
Bates, Abial & Royal (Glens Falls) farmers 100
Bates, Cornell (Glens Falls) farmer 100
Bates, William (Glens Falls) farmer 75
Baxter, R.T. (Glens Falls) marble shop, Notre Dame
Bazinet, John (Glens Falls) blacksmith, Exchange
Bell, James B. (Queensbury) sea captain, prop. of saw mill and farmer 250
Bell, William (Queensbury) carpenter
Belston, Jonathan (Glens Falls) farmer 56
Bennett, Thomas (Glens Falls) farmer 40
Benson, J.W. (Glens Falls) dentist and agent for Weed Sewing Machine, Glen
Bentley, John (Queensbury) lot 13, farmer 60
Bentley, Nora Mrs. (Queensbury) farmer 75
Bentley, Warren (Glens Falls) lot 23, farmer 85
Bibbey, George (Glens Falls) domestic wines and ales
Bitely, M.H. (Glens Falls) prop. New Hall House, Glen
Bitley, M. (Glens Falls) auctioneer, Glen
Blackburn, Robert (Glens Falls) farmer 144
Blakeslee, A.H. (Glens Falls) (Parke & Blakeslee)
Bly, Dewitt (Glens Falls) farmer 4
Boyd, S.G. (Glens Falls) books, stationery, wall paper &c., Glen
Boyl, John (Queensbury) farmer
Brannan J. & Co. (Glens Falls) Arcade Saloon, Glen
Brayton, Asa (Queensbury) farmer 225
Brayton, George W. (Queensbury) farmer 190
Brayton, Ira H. (Queensbury) farmer
Brayton, Wellington (Queensbury) summer resort, on Lake George, and farmer 60
Breen, Edward (Glens Falls) farmer 94
Breen, Patrick (Queensbury) farmer 100
Broefle, L. (Queensbury) farmer
Brooks & Cusson (Glens Falls) boots and shoes, Glen
Brown, A.C. (Glens Falls) farmer 100
Brown, Charles C. (Queensbury) lot 20, farmer 13
Brown & Conery (Glens Falls) saloon, Glen
Brown, Daniel V. (Glens Falls) sheriff of Warren County
Brown, E. (Sandy Hill, Washington Co.) retired
Brown, George (Glens Falls) farmer 18
Brown, George (French Mountain) post master, prop. of Half Way House, saw mill and tannery and general merchant
Brown, J. (Glens Falls) boatman
Brown, Jonathan (Glens Falls) farmer
Brown, Lewis (Queensbury) farmer 95
Brown, Richard (Glens Falls) farmer 86
Brown, Roswell (Glens Falls) farmer 160
Brown & Sheldon (Glens Falls) (Stephen Brown and M.A. Sheldon) lawyers, Glen
Brown, Stephen (Glens Falls) (Brown & Sheldon)
Brown, Truman F. (Glens Falls) lot 39, farmer 96
Brown, William A. (Queensbury) lot 28, farmer 72
Brummaghin, Andrew (Glens Falls) farmer 42
Brydon, M.J. Mrs. (Glens Falls) millinery, Ridge
Buckbee, Ezra (French Mountain) farmer 150
Buckbee, L. (Glens Falls) farmer 15 1
Bullard, D.H. (Glens Falls) homeo. physician, corner Exchange and Elm
Bullard, J.P. (Glens Falls) blacksmith, Pine
Burdick, Allen (Glens Falls) planing mill, sash and blind manuf. and lumber dealer, Very
Burhans, B.P. (Glens Falls) president Glens Falls National Bank
Burnett, Andrew (Glens Falls) farmer 60
Burnett, William (Glens Falls) farmer 20
Burpee, L.M. (Glens Falls) livery stable, Glen
Burt, Julius R. (Queensbury) farmer leases
Bush, John (Glens Falls) lot 99, farmer 225
Bush, John W. (Glens Falls) (Leggett & Bush)
Bushorr, Dorrick (Glens Falls) saloon keeper and boat builder
Bushwell, James (Glens Falls) locksmith, West
Buswell, M.L. (Glens Falls) gunsmith and dealer in sporting apparatus, &c., Glen
Butler, Chapman (Queensbury) supt. of L.C.P. Seelye's farm and farmer 16
Butler, Henry (Glens Falls) farmer 109
Butler, ___ Rev. (Glens Falls) rector of Church of the Messiah, Glen
Byrne, Frank (Glens Falls) (Peck & Byrne)
Camp, James W. (Glens Falls) stone mason and farmer 66
Capon, Alpheus (Glens Falls) farmer 8
Casavant, Stephen (Glens Falls) shoe maker, Glen
Champlain, David (Glens Falls) farmer 28
Champlain, Daniel M. (Glens Falls) toll gate keeper and farmer
Champlain, Geo. (Glens Falls) shoemaker, dealer in leather and hides, Glen
Chapin, F.L.R. (Glens Falls) physician and surgeon, Glen
Chapman, John (Glens Falls) farmer 66
Chapman, ____ (Glens Falls) farmer 50
Cheesebro, I. Mrs. (Glens Falls) farmer 190
Chesnutt, William (Queensbury) general mechanic and farmer 2 1/2
Cheritree, A.J. (Glens Falls) attorney and counselor at law, Glen
Clark, J.C. (Glens Falls) (Glens Falls Lime Co.)
Clements, Allen C. (Queensbury) farmer 150
Clements, Gilbert (Queensbury) general merchant
Clemments, John P. (Queensbury) farmer 88
Clemments, S. (Queensbury) farmer 2
Clendon, John (Glens Falls) farmer 200
Codner, Henry, Jr. (Glens Falls) farmer 286
Coffen, Martin (Glens Falls) (Glens Falls Brick Co.)
Coffen, Sanford (Glens Falls) (Glens Falls Brick Co.)
Coffin, John B. (Queensbury) grist and cider mills, and farmer 70
Cohan, R. (Glens Falls) ready made clothing, Ridge
Cole, Norman (Glens Falls) editor and prop. of Glens Falls Messenger
Colvin, H. (Glens Falls) furniture, Glen
Conery & Hicks (Glens Falls) ale manufs.
Conery, ____ (Glens Falls) (Brown & Conery)
Conkey, George W. (Glens Falls) photographer, Warren
Connor, John (Queensbury) farmer
Cool, K.P. (Glens Falls) (Glens Falls Lime Co.)
Coolidge, J.M. (Glens Falls) (Coolidge, Lee & Co.)
Coolidge, Lee & Co. (Glens Falls) (Thos. S. Coolidge, George W. Lee and J.M. Coolidge, Lee & Co.)
Corey, C.H. (Glens Falls) millinery, fancy goods, pianos, melodeons, sewing machines &c., Warren
Cornell, David (Glens Falls) balsam and liniment
Couch, C.H. (Glens Falls) (G.R. Couch & Brother)
Cowles, B.S. Jr. (Glens Falls) (Crittenden & Cowles)
Cowles, D.H. & Co. (Glens Falls) dry goods, carpets, oil clothes &c., corner Glen and Warren
Cox, Joseph (Sandy Hill, Washington Co.) farmer 2
Cox, P.H. (Sandy Hill, Washington Co.) insurance agent
Crandell, Isaac (Glens Falls) (Ransom & Crandell)
Candell, Peter (Glens Falls) farmer 55 [Note: no "r" in the name]
Crandell, ____ (Glens Falls) (Ransom & Crandell)
Crelly, John (Queensbury) farmer 53
Crittenden & Cowles (Glens Falls) (H.S. Crittenden and B.S. Cowles Jr.) books, wall paper, jewelry, ladies furnishing goods &c., Glen
Crittenden, H.S. (Glens Falls) (Crittenden & Cowles)
Cronin, Daniel P. (Queensbury) farmer 220
Cronin, John (Queensbury) farmer 21
Cronin, Patrick D. (Queensbury) (with Daniel P.)
Cronkhite, John M. (Queensbury) prop. of Trout Pavilion Hotel, east side of Lake George
Crouch, G.R. & Brother (Glens Falls) (C.H.) carriage blacksmith, Exchange
Crow & Murphy (Glens Falls) meat market, Ridge
Curtis, Quartus (Queensbury) postmaster, prop. of saw mill, speculator and farmer
Cusson, ____ (Glens Falls) (Brooks & Cusson)
Dailey, Betsey A. Mrs. (Glens Falls)
Dailey, Samuel (Queensbury) general mechanic and farmer 25
Darn, Gilbert (Sandy Hill, Washington Co.) laborer
Davidson, James (Glens Falls) farmer 120
Davis, W.J. (Glens Falls) agent for Grover and Baker Sewing Machine, Glen
Dean, David I. (Glens Falls) farmer 40
Decker, E.B. (Glens Falls) milliner and dress maker, Glen
DeLong & Sons (Glens Falls) hardware, stoves, tinware, agricultural implements, &c., Glen
Devine, John (Glens Falls) farmer 2
Dickerson, ___ Mrs. (Queensbury) farmer 20
Dickinson, George M. (Glens Falls) meat market, Glen
Dix, J.L. (Glens Falls) (Dix & Knox)
Dix, J. Percy (Glens Falls) manager Commonwealth Life Insurance Co. for Northern New York, Warren
Dix & Knox (Glens Falls) (J.L. Dix and Wm. H. Knox) furnace and machine shop
Dowd, J.L. (Glens Falls) groceries, liquors, &c., corner Canal and Lime
Drake, E.P. & son (Glens Falls) boots and shoes, Glen
Duen, Arden (French Mountain) carpenter and farme 160
Dunchin, John (Glens Falls) lot 5, farmer 20
Dunn, Jesse A. (French Mountain) post master
Durim, George (Queensbury) farmer 117
Dwyer, John (Glens Falls) lot 12, farmer 25
Dwyer, Mathew (Glens Falls) lot 12, farmer 10 3/4
Eastwood, A. (Glens Falls) boots and shoes, Hawley Building, Glen
Eddy, Charles (Sandy Hill, Washington Co.), lot 3, farmer
Eddy, C.R. (Glens Falls) lot 3, farmer 94
Ells, F.A. (Glens Falls) grocery, Glen
Ellsworth, John (Glens Falls) apiarian and farmer 39 1/2
Elms, Clinton (Queensbury) farmer 70
Enches, G.S. (Glens Falls) cooper
Esmond, Abraham (French Mountain) farmer 60
Everest, C.F. & Co. (Glens Falls) (C.R. Parker) billiard rooms, corner Glen and Ridge
Fairchild, Frank (Glens Falls) cigar maker, corner Glen and Ridge
Fairman, ___ Rev. (Queensbury) pastor of Union Evangelical Church
Fancher, M. Mrs. (Sandy Hill, Washington Co.) lot 1, farmer 57
Faxon, C.H. (Glens Falls) (W.A. Faxon & Son)
Faxon, W.A. & Son (Glens Falls) (C.H.) fire and life insurance agents, Glen
Fennell, ___ Rev. (Glens Falls) pastor of Presbyterian Church, Warren
Ferguson, Fayette (Sandy Hill, Washington Co.) laborer
Ferguson, James (Glens Falls) physician, Glen
Ferguson, J.F. Mrs. (Glens Falls) confectionery, fruits, notions, &c., Glen
Ferriss, Geo. M. (Glens Falls) (Havilands & Ferriss)
Ferris, Orange Hon. (Glens Falls) member of Congress
Fielding & McCarty (Glens Falls) blacksmithing and carriage ironing, Glen
Finch, J.W. (Glens Falls) (Glens Falls Company)
First National Bank of Glens Falls (Glens Falls) Augustus Sherman, president; E.T. Johnson, cashier, Glen
Fitzgerald, David (Glens Falls) farmer 64
Fineling, Timothy (Glens Falls) farmer 350
Ford, Patrick (Glens Falls) saloon, Glen
Foster, Joseph Jr. (Glens Falls) farmer 160
Fowler, B.B. (Glens Falls) (Fowler Bros.)
Fowler Bros. (Glens Falls) (Joseph and B.B.) dry goods, carpets, &c., corner Glen and Exchange
Fowler, Joseph (Glens Falls) (Fowler Bros.)
Franklin, B. (Glens Falls) (Klein & Franklin)
Freeman, ___ (Glens Falls) (Van Dusen & Freeman)
Freligh, J.A. & Co. (Glens Falls) (Levi Freligh) dry goods, carpets &c., Glen
Freligh, Levi (Glens Falls) (J.A. Freligh & Co.)
French, Simeon (Glens Falls) grocer, Glen
Fuller, Charles (Queensbury) farmer
Fuller, George (Queensbury) farmer 50
Gage, John (Glens Falls) farmer 64
Garrett, James S. (Glens Falls) dentist and agent for Elias Howe Sewing Machine, Bank Building, Glen
Geer, A.C. (Glens Falls) farmer 125
Gilchrist, ____ (Glens Falls) (Norton & Gilchrist)
Gleason, H. (Glens Falls) farmer 106
Glens Falls Brick Co. (Glens Falls) (Martn and Sanford Coffen and James Mead) farmers 35
Glens Falls Company (Glens Falls) (Samuel Pruyn and J.W. Finch) manufs. lime, marble and lumber, and props. grist mill, Glen
Glens Falls Hotel (Glens Falls) corner Glen and Park, D.L. Sternberg, prop.
Glens Falls Insurance company (Glens Falls) R.M. Little, president; N. Newton Locke, secretary, Glen
Glens Falls Lime Co. (Glens Falls) (K.P. Cool, J.C. Clark and F.W. Robinson) manufs. of paper makers' joints and lump lime, W.A. Miller, agent, 120 Pier, Albany
Glens Falls Messenger (Glens Falls) Norman Cole, editor and prop.
Glens Falls National Bank (Glens Falls) Glen, B.P. Burhans, president; Wm. A. Wick, cashier
Glens Falls Republican (Glens Falls) H.M. Harris, editor and prop., Glen
Glens Falls Transportation Company (Glens Falls) John Keenan, president; H. McKie Wing, secretary, Canal.
Goodman, Heman (Glens Falls) marble works, and dealer in iron cemetery railings, posts &c., Exchange
Goodman, S.L. (Glens Falls) manuf. of lumber and assistant assessor internal revenue, Glen
Gowran, Frank (Queensbury) farmer leases of Julia Gowran
Gowran, Julia Mrs. (Queensbury) lot 21, farmer 57
Graney, Cornelius (Glens Falls) farmer 69
Graves, Amos (Glens Falls) lot 30, farmer 1144
Green, Charles H. (Glens Falls) steam saw mill and farmer 100
Green, Ira (Glens Falls) wines, liquors and cigars, Glen
Green, Joel B. (Glens Falls) agent for H.R. Wing estate
Griffing, Henry (Glens Falls) president Agricultural Society
Grooms, Thomas (Glens Falls) farmer 1
Gurley, Norman (Glens Falls) farmer
Gurley, William B. (Glens Falls) farmer 120
Hackett, ___ Mrs. (Glens Falls) farmer 100
Hale, Fayette (Glens Falls) agent Commonwealth Life Insurance Co., Warren
Halley, A.G. (Glens Falls) farmer 250
Hamlin, Lewis (Glens Falls) farmer 68
Hanna, Wells (Glens Falls) farmer 126
Harrington, Wesley (Glens Falls) farmer 40
Harris, A.S. (Glens Falls) farmer 175
Harris, Bentley J. (Queensbury) farmer 64
Harris, Brayton (Queensbury) farmer 140
Harris, Clara Mrs. (Glens Falls) old resident
Harris, Ezra (Queensbury) farmer leases of Samuel Harris, 220
Harris, Franklin S. (Queensbury) farmer 18
Harris, Frelon G. (Queensbury) farmer 66 1/2
Harris, Henry (Caldwell) farmer 43
Harris, Henry (Queensbury) farmer 100
Harris, H.M. (Glens Falls) editor and prop. Glens Falls Republican, Glen
Harris, John (Glens Falls) farmer 110
Harris, John J. (Queensbury) farmer 210
Harris, L. (Queensbury) farmer 60
Harris, Lifelet (Queensbury) retired lumberman
Harris, Samuel (Queensbury) farmer 220
Harris, V.W. (Queensbury) farmer 280
Haskell, Charles M. (Glens Falls) (Jeffers & Haskell)
Haverty, Michael (Sandy Hill, Washington Co.) farmer 18
Haviland, A.B. (Glens Falls) carpenter and joiner
Haviland, Daniel S. (Glens Falls) lot 6, farmer 140, and agent for farming implements
Haviland, George E. (Glens Falls) lot 24, farmer 136
Haviland, H.G. (Glens Falls) lot 12, farmer 145
Haviland, James M. (Glens Falls) blooded stock dealer
Haviland, John G. (Glens Falls) lot 33, farmer 176
Haviland, John G. 2d (Glens Falls) horse dealer
Haviland, John M. (Glens Falls) lot 26, farmer 231
Haviland, Joseph (Glens Falls) lot 11, farmer 500
Haviland, P.T. (Glens Falls) lot 26, sheep breeder and farmer 100
Haviland, R.F. (Glens Falls) (Haviland & Ferriss)
Haviland, Roger (Glens Falls) lot 39, farmer 200, aged 73
Haviland, Roger E. (Glens Falls) lot 17, farmer 225
Haviland, W.H. (Glens Falls) (Havilands & Ferriss)
Havilands & Ferriss (Glens Falls) (R.F. Haviland, W.H. Haviland and Geo. M. Ferriss) wholesale and retail druggists, Glen
Hawley, G.G. & G.K. (Glens Falls) general merchants, Hawley Building, Glen
Hawley, G.K. (Glens Falls) (G.G. & G.K. Hawley) dealer in farm and fancy fowls and agent for Blanchard Churn, Glen
Hawley, ___ Rev. (Glens Falls) M.E. clergyman, Center
Hearld, John (Queensbury) farmer 80
Heath, C. (Sandy Hill, Washington Co.) farmer 4
Hebert, Joseph (Glens Falls) clothier and pattern cutter, Glen
Hendricks, Amos (Queensbury) farmer 200
Hicks, ___ (Glens Falls) (Conery & Hicks)
Hildreth, Henry (Sandy Hill, Washington Co.) carpenter and joiner and farmer 13
Hill, Jesse (Glens Falls) farmer 57 1/2
Hillis, James (Glens Falls) farmer 158
Hobbell, John R. (Queensbury) farmer 180
Holden, A.W. (Glens Falls) physician and surgeon, Elm
Holley & Wing (Glens Falls) dry goods, crockery, boots, shoes, notions, &c., Warren
Holman, D.c. (Glens Falls) mason and builder, also agent for Warren's felt, cement and gravel roofing, Glen
Hopkins, Alanson B. (Glens Falls) farmer 100
Hopkins, John H. (Glens Falls) farmer 40
Hopkins & Peck (Glens Falls) (S.D. Hopkins and R.E. Peck) drugs, medicines, &c., Glen
Hopkins, S.D. (Glens Falls) (Hopkins & Peck)
Horigan, J. (Sandy Hill, Washington Co.)
Hotchkiss, William (Glens Falls) deputy collector internal revenue, 16th dist., Glen
Howe, Clark (French Mountain) blacksmith
Hubbell, H.H. (Queensbury) farmer 68
Hubbell, Job B. (Glens Falls) farmer
Hubbell, John P. (Glens Falls) farmer 130
Hubble, Frederick (Glens Falls) farmer 200
Hull, L.D.D. (Glens Falls) farmer leases of Mrs. P. Hull, 188
Hull, Nelson (Glens Falls) lot 19, farmer 155
Hull, P. Mrs. (Glens Falls) farmer 188
Hurley, James (Glens Falls) general merchant, Glen
Hurley, T. (Glens Falls) lot 18, farmer 85
Ide, Benjamin (Glens Falls) (Potter & Ides)
Irish, Geo. S. (Glens Falls) photographer, corner Glen and Exchange
Irish, John (Queensbury) farmer
Irish, S.B. (Queensbury) farmer 162
Jeffers & Haskell (Glens Falls) (Wallace W.D. Jeffers and Charles M. Haskell) hardware, stoves, tinware, &c., Exchange Building, Glen
Jeffers, Wallace W.D. (Glens Falls) (Jeffers & Haskell)
Jenkins, Daniel (Glens Falls) prop. Central House, Glen
Jenkins, Dewitt C. (Queensbury) carpenter and joiner and farmer 4 1/2
Jenkins, Galamail (Queensbury) foreman of P.B. Jenkins' mill property
Jenkins, P.B. (Queensbury) lot 7, grist mill, saw mill, planing mill and cider mill, and farmer 160
Jenkins, S. (Queensbury) allo. physician and farmer 196
Jimen, ___ Mrs. (Glens Falls) farmer 70
Jocklon, Harvey (Sandy Hill, Washington Co.) farmer 1 1/2
Johnson, E.T. (Glens Falls) cashier First National Bank of Glens Falls, Glen
Jointa Lime Company (Glens Falls) (John Keenan, Halsey R. Wing and L.G. McDonald) manufs. of Glens Falls jointa and lump lime, Canal
Joshlyn, Eber J. (Glens Falls) lot 92, farmer 130
Joslyn, Calvin (Glens Falls) melon raiser and farmer 146
Joubert, Edward v (Joubert & White)
Joubert & White (Glens Falls) (Edward Joubert and J.H. White) carriage makers, corner Warren and Jay
Juvet, L.P. (Glens Falls) watchmaker and jeweler, Glen
Keeffe & Amer (Glens Falls) prop. Cosgrove Opera House
Keeffe, D.F. (Glens Falls) (Armstrong & Keeffe)
Keeffe, John B. (Glens Falls) cigar manuf., Glen
Keenan, John (Glens Falls) president Glens Falls Transportation Company, Canal
Keenan, John (Glens Falls) (Jointa Lime Company)
Kennedy, James (Glens Falls) prop. of Commercial Hotel, Warren
Kenyon, Joseph (Glens Falls) carpenter and joiner
Ketchum, D.B. (Glens Falls) general insurance agent, Hawley's Building, Glen
Ketchum, D.B. (Glens Falls) sewing machine agent and town clerk
Ketchum, T.S. (Glens Falls) insurance agent, Glen
Ketchum, Warren (Glens Falls) farmer 85
Kilner, Henry (Glens Falls) farmer 110
King, James (Glens Falls) Monitor Saloon, Glen
Kingsley, John (Queensbury) farmer 100
Kinmouth, Peter (Sandy Hill, Washington co.) farmer 1 1/2
Kipp, R. (Glens Falls) farmer 300
Kipp, R. (Glens Falls) farmer 250
Kirkpatrick, John (Glens Falls) farmer 100
Klein & Franklin (Glens Falls) (M. Klein and B. Franklin) merchant tailors and dealers in gents' furnishing goods, jewelry, &c., Cowles & Co's Building, Warren)
Klein, M. (Glens Falls) (Klein & Franklin)
Knapp, I.J. Rev. (Glens Falls) lot 92, farmer 96
Knapp, R. (Glens Falls) wagon maker and blacksmith, Bay
Knight, John W. (Glens Falls) brewer
Knox, Archibald H. (Glens Falls) book keeper and farmer 17
Knox, Henry (Glens Falls) farmer
Knox, Wm. H. (Glens Falls) (Dix & Knox)
Lamb, Robert (Glens Falls) dry goods, Warren
Lander, David (Queensbury) farmer
Landers, Michael (Glens Falls) harness maker, West
Landon, J.L. (Glens Falls) harness, trunks, &c., Warren
Lane, Moses (Queensbury) farmer
Langdon, Richard (French Mountain) farmer 100
Lanigan, Martin (Glens Falls) (Minor, Traphagan & Co.)
Lapham, B.F. (Glens Falls) hydraulic rams, pumps, lead pipe, &c., Ridge
Lapham, H.G. (Glens Falls) (Sherman & Lapham)
Lapham, Jerome (Glens Falls) retired lumberman, Ridge
Lapoint, C.C. (Glens Falls) hair dresser, Glen
La Point, Peter E. (Glens Falls) prop. of National House, Glen
Lasalle, Nelson (Glens Falls) foreman of Union Carriage Works
Lattimore, Stewart (French Mountain) farmer 25
Leary, Daniel O. (Glens Falls) saloon, Glen
Leary, John (Glens Falls) farmer
Leary, Michael (Queensbury) farmer 37
Lee, Geo. W. (Glens Falls) (Coolidge, Lee & Co.)
Lee, William (Glens Falls) grocer, West
Leggett & Bush (Glens Falls) (Geo. H. Leggett and John W. Bush) druggists, Glen
Leggett, Geo. H. (Glens Falls) (Leggett & Bush)
Levins, J. (Glens Falls) livery, Ridge
Little, Meredith B. (Glens Falls) insurance agent, Sheldon Building, Glen
Little, R.M. (Glens Falls) president Glens Falls Insurance Company, Glen
Locke, N. Newton (Glens Falls) secretary Glens Falls Insurance Company, Glen
Lockhart, Edward (Queensbury) farmer 62
Lockhart, George (Glens Falls) farmer 50
Lockhart, James (Glens Falls) farmer 75
Lockhart, Walter (Glens Falls) farmer 80
Mack, Daniel (Glens Falls) farmer
Malery, William (Glens Falls) farmer 3
Mallery, C. & W.L. (Glens Falls) oyster saloon, Ridge
Mansion House (Glens Falls) J.W. Allison, prop., West
Martin, Willialm (Glens Falls) farmer 11
Mason, Calvin (Patten's Mills, Washington Co.) lot 7, farmer 100
Mason, T.F. (Sandy Hill, Washington Co.) blacksmith and farmer 31
Mattison, Job (Queensbury) grocer and farmer 127
McCachron, John (Glens Falls) farmer 165
McCally, S. (Sandy Hill, Washington Co.) laborer and farmer 13
McCarty, Dennis (Glens Falls) farmer
McCarty, ___ (Glens Falls) (Fielding & McCarty)
McCloud, Thos. (Glens Falls) carriage painter, Exchange
McDanalds, Nelson (French Mountain) teamster
McDermont, Father (Glens Falls) Catholic priest
McDonald, Daniel (Glens Falls) farmer 75
McDonald, L.G. (Glens Falls) (Jointa Lime Company)
McDoudall, William (Glens Falls) farmer 83
McGrevey, F. (Glens Falls) saloon, Glen
McKing, William B. (French Mountain) farmer 135
McLaughlin, Thomas (Glens Falls) confectioner, Glen
Mead, Enos (French Mountain) farmer 179
Mead, Ezra Jr. (French Mountain) farmer 50
Mead, Hobby, Mrs. (Glens Falls) lot 31, farmer 50
Mead, James (Glens Falls) (Glens Falls Brick Co.)
Mead, John H. (Glens Falls) farmer 136 and leases of John Clendon, 200
Mead, J. & G.T. (Glens Falls) blacksmiths, Bay
Meade, P.J. (Glens Falls) dry goods, millinery, hats, caps, boots and shoes, Glen
Merills, George (Glens Falls) farmer 50
Merry, George (Glens Falls) laborer
Merry, William A. (Glens Falls) sawyer and jobber
Mickle, Arad (Glens Falls) farmer
Mickle, Henry (Glens Falls) lot 32, farmer 100
Millard, George (Queensbury) contractor of boat timber and farmer 125
Millard, H. (Queensbury) retired farmer
Miller, John J. (Glens Falls) farmer 270
Miller, William (Glens Falls) farmer 200
Miller, Wm. A. (Glens Falls) agent Sherman & Lapham Lime Co.
Milliken, S.J. (Glens Falls) carriage maker, Exchange
Millington, S.P. (Glens Falls) clothing, Glen
Minor, Frank (Glens Falls) (Minor, Traphagan & Co.)
Minor, Traphagan & Co. (Glens Falls) (Frank Minor, Geo. W. Traphagan and Martin Lanigan) props. of Union Carriage Manufactory, West, near American Hotel
Monty, Charles (Sandy Hill, Washington Co.) engineer in saw mill
Monty, John C. (Sandy Hill, Washington Co.) steam saw mill and stone quarry, and farmer 28
Moore, Andrew (French Mountain) farmer 180
Moran, James (Queensbury) farmer 9
Morgan, Carlos (Glens Falls) post master
Morgan, James (Glens Falls) farmer 47 1/2
Morris, John (Glens Falls) restaurant, opposite Depot
Mosher, C.A. (Glens Falls) hair dresser, Glen
Mosher, Isaac (Glens Falls) farmer 7 1/2
Mott, A. Miss (Glens Falls) millinery, Ridge
Moynahan T. (Queensbury) farmer 100
Munger, Charles (Glens Falls) boatman and farmer 96
Murphy, Daniel (Glens Falls) saloon, Glen
Murphy, John (Glens Falls) farmer 40
Murphy, ___ (Glens Falls) (Crow & Murphy)
Murray, Lewis (Glens Falls) farmer 2
Murray, P. (Glens Falls) cider mill and farmer leases of Abraham Wing, 300
Nash, ___ Rev. (Glens Falls) Baptist minister
Nelson, John (Glens Falls) prop. Bay St. House
Nesbit, James (Queensbury) blacksmith
Newton, C. Mrs. (Glens Falls) farmer 72
Norcross, Darius (Glens Falls) builder, Ridge
Norris, D.G. & Co. (Glens Falls) (W.H. and G.E. Norris) carriage makers, corner Warren and Lime
Norris, G.E. (Glens Falls) (D.G. Norris & Co.)
Norris, W.H. (Glens Falls) (D.G. Norris & Co.)
Norton, Benjamin H. (Glens Falls) lot 94, farmer 100
Norton & Gilchrist (Glens Falls) lumber, shingles and grain, Glen
Norton, Heman R. (Glens Falls) farmer
Norton, William D. (Glens Falls) farmer leases of R. Kipp, 300
Numan, Orange (Glens Falls) lot 18, farmer 180
O'Connor, Robert (Glens Falls) farmer leases of Lime Co., 200
Odell, Benjamin Jr. (Queensbury) farmer 150
O'Donnell, Thos. (Glens Falls) wholesale wines and liquors, West
Ogden, Z.S. (Glens Falls) blacksmith and carriage maker, Glen
Oliver, Alvah (Glens Falls) shoemaker, West
Orr, A. Jr. (Glens Falls) photographer, Traphagan's Building, Ridge
Orr, Daniel A. (Queensbury) farmer 150
Pardo, George (Glens Falls) prop. of American Hotel, corner Glen and West
Parke & Blakeslee (Glens Falls) (Jas. C. Parke and A.H. Blakeslee) groceries and provisions, dried and canned fruits, wooden and willow ware, crockery and glassware, &c., Glen
Parke, James C. (Glens Falls) (Parke & Blakeslee)
Parker, C.K. (Glens Falls) (C.F. Everest & Co.)
Parker, Sidney W. (Glens Falls) brick maker and farmer 25
Parsons, Charles (Glens Falls) lot 15, farmer 85
Pearsall, Augustus J. (Glens Falls) (White & Pearsall)
Peas, Ambrose (Glens Falls) farmer 90
Peck, Benjamin (Glens Falls) lot 18, farmer 62
Peck & Byrne (Glens Falls) (Daniel Peck and Frank Byrne) wholesale grocers, corner Glen and Ridge
Peck, Daneil (Glens Falls) (Peck & Byrne)
Peck, D.E. (Glens Falls) merchant tailor and gents' furnishing goods, Glen
Peck, M.R. (Glens Falls) allo. physician and surgeon
Peck, R.E. (Glens Falls) (Hopkins & Peck)
Peck, R.J. (Sandy Hill, Washington Co.) house painter
Peer, John (Glens Falls) farmer 152
Phelps, Andrew J. (Queensbury) lot 7, farmer 95
Philo, Isaac (Glens Falls) farmer 72
Pierce, Frederick (Queensbury) farmer 15
Pike, George S. (Glens Falls) mason and farmer 55
Platt, Harvey (Glens Falls) farmer
Potter, Clark (Glens Falls) carpenter, millwright and farmer 4 1/2
Potter, Hiram (Glens Falls) farmer 134
Potter & Ides (Glens Falls) (John E. Potter, Benjamin and Charles B. Ide) boots and shoes, Glen
Potter, James (Glens Falls) farmer 150
Potter, John E. (Glens Falls) (Potter & Ides)
Potter, Jonathan W. (Glens Falls) lot 39, farmer 307
Potter, Mattison (Glens Falls) lot 92, blacksmith and farmer 55
Potter, Thomas (Glens Falls) insurance, pension and claim agent, and notary public, Ridge
Powers, Edward (Glens Falls) farmer 3
Powers, John H. (Sandy Hill, Washington Co.) farmer 1 1/2
Prosser, J.N. (Queensbury) blacksmith
Pruyn, Samuel (Glens Falls) (Glens Falls Company)
Purdy, George (Glens Falls) blacksmith
Putnam, E. (Glens Falls) supt. of Glens Falls, Lake George and Chester Stage Lines, office Glen
Quinlan, T. (Glens Falls) carpenter and builder, Glen
Ramsey, Robert (Glens Falls) farmer 108
Ransom, A.F. (Glens Falls) (Ransom & Crandell)
Ransom & Crandell (Glens Falls) (A.F. Ransom and Isaac Crandell) gardeners and florists, Glen
Ransom, William (Glens Falls) farmer 80
Ray, Franklin (Queensbury) farmer 15
Reriden, T. (Sandy Hill, Washington Co.)
Rheubotom, Samuel (Glens Falls) farmer 5
Rhoades, F.W. (Glens Falls) mason
Richardson, John (Glens Falls) farmer 70
Ripley, R.s. (Queensbury) farmer 144
Roberts, D.G. (Glens Falls) lumber, flour, feed, grain and hay, Ridge
Robinson, Alexander (Glens Falls) farmer 176
Robinson, Alexander (Glens Falls) farmer 130
Robinson, F.W. v (Glens Falls Lime co.
Robinson, Lyman (Queensbury) farmer 300
Rockwell, William W. (Glens Falls) collector internal revenue, 16th dist., Glen
Rosenkrantz, ___ (Sandy Hill, Washington Co.) farmer and county judge
Rothschild & Wartenburg (Glens Falls) dry goods, Warren
Russell, H. (Glens Falls) general merchant, Glen
Saults, John (Glens Falls) prop. of Canadian Hotel, West
Schermerhorn, James (Glens Falls) stone mason and farmer 30
Scott, Mary Mrs. (Queensbury)
Seelye, David (Queensbury) retired farmer
Seelye, George & Frank (Queensbury) lot 21, farmer 50
Seelye, L.C.P. (Queensbury) farmer 200
Seelye, Reuben (Queensbury) assessor and farmer 300
Seelye, William A. (Queensbury) farmer 207
Shadric, Albert (Glens Falls) farmer 100
Sheffer, Elias H. (Glens Falls) blacksmith
Sheldon, Allen (Queensbury) summer resort on Lake George, and farmer 72 1/2
Sheldon, M.A. (Glens Falls) (Brown & Sheldon)
Sherman, Augustus (Glens Falls) (Sherman & Lapham) president First National Bank of Glens Falls and farmer
Sherman, D.W. (Glens Falls) (Sherman & Lapham) dry dock
Sherman & Lapham (Glens Falls) (A. and D.W. Sherman and H.G. Lapham) manufs. of lumber
Sherman & Lapham Lime co. (Glens Falls) (A. Sherman, D.W. Sherman and H.G. Lapham) William A. Miller, agent
Shields, Lewis (Glens Falls) livery and sale stable, Exchange
Shields, Patrick (Glens Falls) shoemaker and farmer 2
Shippey, D. (Glens Falls) farmer 160
Sisson, D.H. (Patten's Mills, Washington co.) lot 7, farmer 135
Smith, C. (Glens Falls) farmer 70
Smith, Calvin (Glens Falls) farmer 42
Smith, D.P. (Glens Falls) clothing, furnishing goods, hats, caps, &c., Glen
Smith, Edward (Glens Falls) farmer 102
Smith, Major F. (Queensbury) farmer 175
Smith, Oliver (Glens Falls) farmer 84
Smith, Sharon (Glens Falls) lot 96, farmer 65
Smith, Warren J. (Queensbury) farmer 45
Snedeker, Alfred Mrs. (Glens Falls) dress making, Glen
Snyder, Albert A. (Glens Falls) mason and plasterer, Warren
Snyder, Albert H. (Glens Falls) mason, Warren
Snyder, Sarah A. Mrs. (Glens Falls) dress maker, Warren
Spencer, J. Snedeker, Alfred Mrs. (Glens Falls) dress making, Glen farmer 55
Staples, Anson R. (Glens Falls) lot 11, farmer 135
Starbuck, B.C. (Glens Falls) livery stable, Park
Sternberg, D.L. (Glens Falls) prop. of Glens Falls Hotel, corner Glen and Park
Stevens, J.D. (Glens Falls) architect, Glen
Stewart, Robert (Glens Falls) farmer 50
Stewart, Robert 2nd. (Glens Falls) farmer 50
Still, Samuel (Queensbury) farmer 100
Stone, Frank S. (Glens Falls) telegraph operator, Glen
Stone, S.I. (Glens Falls) agent Commonwealth Life Insurance Co., Warren
Streeter, B.G. (Glens Falls) physician, Maple
Suderly, F.J. (Glens Falls) bakery, confectionery and toys, Glen
Swain, George A. (Glens Falls) lumber dealer, Glen
Sweet, Jacob (Glens Falls) (with Nelson) fruit and grape grower, and farmer 170
Sweet, Nelson (Glens Falls) (with Jacob ) fruit and grape grower, and farmer 170
Taylor A. Miss (Glens Falls) principal of Elmwood Seminary, corner Elm and Park
Taylor, Thomas (Glens Falls) farmer 40
Thompson, Charles (Glens Falls) book keeper for S. Prine
Thompson, D.W. Mrs. (Glens Falls) agent for Singer's Sewing Machine, dress maker and milliner, Fowler's Exchange Building, up stairs, GLen
Thoms, Paul (Glens Falls) lot 32, milk dairyman and farmer 200
Tinney, Asa (Glens Falls) farmer 130
Titus, Abraham (French Mountain) farmer 120
Traphagan, Geo. W. (Glens Falls) (Minor, Traphagan & Co.)
Traphagan, J.T.B. (Glens Falls) agent for Aetna Sewing Machine, Ridge
Traver, Gilbert (Glens Falls) farmer 107
Traver, John (Glens Falls) farmer 150
Van Antwerp, John (Queensbury) carpenter and builder
Van Cott, Wm. H. (Glens Falls) cigar manuf., corner Glen and Ridge
Van Dusen, Abraham, estate of (Glens Falls) cider mill and 365 acres
Van Dusen, Charles (Queensbury) farmer 23
Van Dusen, D.C. (French Mountain) farmer 114
Van Dusen & Freeman (Glens Falls) prop. of saw mill, 250 saws
Van Dusen, Halsey (Glens Falls) farmer 101
Van Dusen, Harvey (Queensbury) farmer 30
Van Dusen, John R. & Bethuel (French Mountain) saw mill and farmer 214
Van Dusen, Robert (Glens Falls) saw and cider mill, and farmer 116
Vandusen, Zenas (Glens Falls) (Vandusen & Freeman) farmer owns 55,000 acres forest land
Van Heusen, G.A. (Glens Falls) farmer
Van Heusen, J.P. (Glens Falls) farmer
Van Heusen, L.H. (Glens Falls) farmer 140
Van Heusen, V.H. (Glens Falls) assessor and farmer 250
Van Tassel, John (Glens Falls) hair dresser, Warren
Varney, Daniel (Glens Falls) farmer 200
Varney, Daniel Jr. (Glens Falls) farmer 250
Varney, Harvey (Glens Falls) farmer 30
Vaughan, James W. (Queensbury) farmer 95
Vaughan, Wm. M. (Queensbury) surveyor, engineer and notary public
Vermillia, Albert (Glens Falls) meat market, Warren
Viel, Eugene (Glens Falls) general mechanic
Viele, Jonathan (Glens Falls) wagon maker and farmer 23
Viele, Myron (Glens Falls) farmer 115
Walkup, Charles Mrs. (Glens Falls) farmer 40
Washburn, Robert (Glens Falls) farmer 160
Weed, W.W. (Glens Falls) farmer
Wells, Benjamin (Glens Falls) lot 5, farmer 100
Wells, Bethuel (Glens Falls) farmer 62 1/2
Wells, Henry (Glens Falls) farmer 61 and leases of Mrs. Hackett, 100
Wells, Hiram (Glens Falls) lot 12, farmer 100
West, D. (Queensbury) farmer 40
West, E. (Queensbury) farmer 130
White, Chas. H. (Glens Falls) (White & Pearsall)
White, J.H. (Glens Falls) (Joubert & White)
White & Pearsall (Glens Falls) (Chas. H. White and Augustus J. Pearsall) merchant tailors, agents for Howe Sewing Machine, corner Glen and Warren
Wick, Wm. A. (Glens Falls) cashier Glens Falls National Bank, Glen
Wiele, Duncan D. (Glens Falls) farmer 31
Wilcox, Brazilar (Glens Falls) stone mason and farmer 40
Wilkie, Elisha (Glens Falls) farmer 117
Wilkie, Martin (Glens Falls) saw mill and farmer 166
Williams, E.B. (Glens Falls) farmer 126
Wilmarth, M.L. (Glens Falls) furniture dealer, Ridge
Winchip, Ransom J. (Sandy Hill, Washington Co.) lot 3, farmer
Winchip, S. Mrs. (Queensbury) farmer 2
Wing, Abraham (Glens Falls) retired farmer 300
Wing, Halsey R. (Glens Falls) (Jointa Lime Company)
Wing, H. McKie (Glens Falls) secretary Glens Falls Transportation Co., Canal
Wing, H.R. estate (Glens Falls) Joel B. Green, agent, gang saw mill, west side Glen
Wing, Nehemiah (Patten's Mills, Washington Co.) lot 6, farmer 151
Wing, ___ (Glens Falls) (Holley & Wing)
Winship, John F. (Queensbury) laborer
Winter, E. Mrs. (Glens Falls) dress maker, Park, corner Elm
Witheral, S. (Glens Falls) farmer
Wood, Minard G. (Queensbury) manuf. of fancy row boats and farmer 50
Wood, ___ Mrs. & Son (Queensbury) (Minard) farmer 60
Wooly, William (Sandy Hill, Washington Co.) farmer 8
Wright, Fred. (Glens Falls) mason and plasterer, corner Delaware and Mechanic
Wurtenberg, ___ (Glens Falls) (Rothschild & Wurtenberg)
Younglove, John (Glens Falls) powder and nails, Glen