Ogden Burial Plot, Queensbury
Ogden Burial Plot
"Ogden Burial Plot on Ogden Brook near Big Bay on the old James Stevenson Farm (now the Frank Joslyn Farm) above West Glens Falls. Other Ogden names in Hartman Hill Cemetery and Quaker Cemetery, Bay Road."
In Memory of Mrs. Mary OGDEN who died Dec. 18, 1802, aged 53 years.
Lois, the daughter of Gilbert & Mary OGDEN died Oct. 28, 1808.
Delia, dau. of Thos. & Marie HOWARD, age 2 years.
Archibald, son of Alfred & Mary PITCHER, died Apr. 18, 1813, age 18 years.
Also several unmarked graves.
Source: "Genealogical Records, Cemetery & Burial Plot Records, Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York." Vol. 181, 1943-1944, p. 148. Reported by Jane McCrea Chapter DAR. Typescripts of these records available for viewing at the New York State Library in Albany, NY, New York City Public Library 5th Ave. & 42nd St. Branch, and the National D.A.R. Library in Washington, D.C.