McEchron Burying Ground, Queensbury
McEchron Burying Ground
"McEchron Burying Ground. West Mountain."
Daniel McECHRON b. 1789 d. 1853
Sally, his wife, b. 1775 d. 18_4
James Henry, son, d. 1853
Wm. Henry, son, d. 1854
Alexander McECHRON b. 1825 d. 1863 Veteran of Civil War
David McECHRON b. 1820 d. 1857
Mary Ann McECHRON b. 1819 d. 1840
John McECHRON b. 1831 d. 1915(16?)
Hannah, his wife, b. 1834 d. 1899
Peter, son of Wm. & Hannah, d. 1843
Source: "Genealogical Records, Cemetery & Burial Plot Records, Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York." Vol. 181, 1943-1944, p. 153. Reported by Jane McCrea Chapter DAR. Typescripts of these records available for viewing at the New York State Library in Albany, NY, New York City Public Library 5th Ave. & 42nd St. Branch, and the National D.A.R. Library in Washington, D.C.