Warren County, New York
Genealogy and History

Austin Burying Ground, Queensbury

Austin Burying Ground

"Austin Burying Ground. On a cross road between the Haviland Road and Lake Sunny Side Road."

Mr. Phineas AUSTIN, d. Feb. 4th, 1812, age 60 yrs
In Memory of Annis AUSTIN, d. Nov. 19th, 1828, age 23 yrs, dau of Phineas and Hannah AUSTIN
Janie D., d. 1811
John D., d. 1856
    Children of Francis and Mary AUSTIN

"The grave of Phineas Austin has a Revolutionary marker placed by Jane McCrea Chapter."

Source: "Genealogical Records, Cemetery & Burial Plot Records, Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York." Vol. 181, 1943-1944, p. 157. Reported by Jane McCrea Chapter DAR. Typescripts of these records available for viewing at the New York State Library in Albany, NY, New York City Public Library 5th Ave. & 42nd St. Branch, and the National D.A.R. Library in Washington, D.C.

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