Warren County, New York
Genealogy and History

Warren County Biographies

George B. Robertson

George B. Robertson, a resident of the town of Dover, is the son of John and Sophia Ann Robertson, both of whom were of Scotch descent. The family came originally from Scotland to this country over a hundred years ago and settled in the state of New York. John, the father of George B., was a tanner in early life, but later followed the occupation of farming and stock raising. He finally died in New York in 1864 at the age of fifty-five years. His wife died in 1860 at the age of fifty years. George B. was born in Chestertown, Warren county, New York, January 27, 1846, and secured his education in the district schools and later in the Warrensburg high school, where he finished his education in his twentieth year. Previous to this event, in 1863, he enlisted in the Union army and served as a member of Battery I, Sixteenth New York Volunteer Heavy Artillery until 1865, when he was honorably mustered out of the service. He entered the service as a private, but was promoted a corporal for meritorious conduct. He is now drawing a pension for his disabilities while in the service. After the war he continued his schooling one year, or, rather, for one winter, after which he worked in a general store for a while, later returning to the farm, where he remained until 1869, when he came west to St. Charles and worked at various jobs for three months. He then located in Dover and here he has since resided. He is a Republican and has served as town clerk for several terms. On December 2, 1876, he married, at St. Charles, Miss Margaret, daughter of John and Jane Morrison, the father a carpenter by trade. Both parents are deceased. George B. and wife have two daughters and one son: Alice J., a graduate of the St. Charles and St. Paul high schools, a teacher, residing with her parents; Catherine T., a graduate of the state normal school at Winona, a teacher, residing with her parents; Donald M., residing with his parents, a stock buyer and the postmaster at Dover. (page 367)

Source: "History of Olmsted County, Minnesota" by Joseph A. Leonard, Chicago: Goodspeed Historical Association, 1910, 697 pgs.

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